American Museum of Natural History (AMNH)


Location: New York, NY, United States (USA) (US) US

ISNI: 0000000121521081


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

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The Trachylepis (Squamata: Scincidae) of Angola: An Integrative Taxonomic Review with the Description of Seven New Species (2024) Ceríaco LM, Marques MP, Parrinha D, Tiutenko A, Weinell JL, Butler BO, Bauer AM Journal article The Trachylepis (Squamata: Scincidae) of Angola: an integrative taxonomic review with the description of seven new species (2024) Ceríaco LM, Marques MP, Parrinha D, Tiutenko A, Weinell JI, Butler BO, Bauer AM Journal article, Original article Hotspots of cenozoic tropical marine biodiversity (2022) Yasuhara M, Huang HHM, Reuter M, Tian SY, Cybulski JD, O'Dea A, Mamo BL, et al. Authored book A new species of Erythrolamprus (Serpentes: Dipsadidae: Xenodontini) from the savannas of northern South America (2021) Entiauspe-Neto OM, Abegg AD, Koch C, Nuñez LP, Azevedo WDS, Moraes LJ, Tiutenko A, et al. Journal article, Original article Ignoring Fossil Age Uncertainty Leads to Inaccurate Topology and Divergence Time Estimates in Time Calibrated Tree Inference (2020) Barido-Sottani J, Van Tiel NMA, Hopkins MJ, Wright DF, Stadler T, Warnock R Journal article Ignoring stratigraphic age uncertainty leads to erroneous estimates of species divergence times under the fossilized birth-death process (2019) Barido-Sottani J, Aguirre-Fernandez G, Hopkins MJ, Stadler T, Warnock RCM Journal article The inseparability of sampling and time and its influence on attempts to unify the molecular and fossil records (2018) Hopkins MJ, Bapst DW, Simpson C, Warnock RCM Journal article