Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik / Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (MPG IPP)
Research facility
Germany (DE)
ISNI: 0000000406480340
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Solver comparison for Poisson-like equations on tokamak geometries (2023)
Bourne E, Leleux P, Kormann K, Kruse C, Grandgirard V, Güçlü Y, Kühn MJ, et al.
Journal article
Technological Pathways to Produce Compressed and Highly Pure Hydrogen from Solar Power (2023)
Ivanova ME, Peters R, Mueller M, Haas S, Seidler MF, Mutschke G, Eckert K, et al.
Journal article, Review article
Open-cell tungsten nanofoams: Scaling behavior and structural disorder dependence of Young's modulus and flow strength (2021)
Zhao M, Schlueter K, Wurmshuber M, Reitgruber M, Kiener D
Journal article, Original article
Novel ceramic matrix composites with tungsten and molybdenum fiber reinforcement (2019)
Mainzer B, Lin C, Frieß M, Riedel R, Riesch J, Feichtmayer A, Fuhr M, et al.
Journal article
Spectrum-RG astrophysical project (2009)
Pavlinsky M, Sunyaev R, Churazov E, Vikhlinin A, Sazonov S, Revnivtsev M, Arefiev V, et al.
Conference contribution