Federal University of São João del-Rei / Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei (UFSJ)
University / College
São João del-Rei,
Brazil (BR)
ISNI: 0000000115163599
ROR: https://ror.org/03vrj4p82
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Cytotoxicity of glucoevatromonoside alone and in combination with chemotherapy drugs and their effects on Na+,K+-ATPase and ion channels on lung cancer cells (2021)
Zanchett Schneider NF, Menegaz D, Andreotti Dagostin AL, Persich L, Rocha SC, Pacheco Ramos AC, Cortes VF, et al.
Journal article
Manual Hippocampal Subfield Segmentation Using High-Field MRI: Impact of Different Subfields in Hippocampal Volume Loss of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Patients (2018)
Peixoto-Santos JE, Drumond De Carvalho LE, Kandratavicius L, Beserra Diniz PR, Scandiuzzi RC, Coras R, Blümcke I, et al.
Journal article
Nanotubes with well-defined structure: Single- and double-walled imogolites (2014)
Lourenco MP, Guimaraes L, Da Silva MC, De Oliveira C, Heine T, Duarte HA
Journal article