Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Public institution / office

Location: Washington, DC (head quarters), United States (USA) (US) US

ISNI: 0000000121462763

ROR: https://ror.org/03tns0030

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Environmental plastics in the context of UV radiation, climate change, and the Montreal Protocol (2024) Jansen MA, Andrady AL, Barnes PW, Busquets R, Revell LE, Bornman JF, Aucamp PJ, et al. Journal article Plastics in the environment in the context of UV radiation, climate change and the Montreal Protocol: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, Update 2023 (2024) Jansen MA, Andrady AL, Bornman JF, Aucamp PJ, Bais AF, Banaszak AT, Barnes PW, et al. Journal article What determines accuracy of chemical identification when using microspectroscopy for the analysis of microplastics? (2023) De Frond H, Cowger W, Renick V, Brander S, Primpke S, Sukumaran S, Elkhatib D, et al. Journal article The response of aquatic ecosystems to the interactive effects of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation, and climate change (2023) Neale PJ, Williamson CE, Banaszak AT, Häder DP, Hylander S, Ossola R, Rose KC, et al. Journal article Quantitative assessment of visual microscopy as a tool for microplastic research: Recommendations for improving methods and reporting (2022) Kotar S, Mcneish R, Murphy-Hagan C, Renick V, Lee CFT, Steele C, Lusher A, et al. Journal article Environmental effects of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation, and interactions with climate change: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, Update 2021 (2022) Barnes PW, Robson TM, Neale PJ, Williamson CE, Zepp RG, Madronich S, Wilson SR, et al. Journal article Environmental effects of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation and interactions with climate change: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, update 2019 (2020) Bernhard GH, Neale RE, Barnes PW, Neale PJ, Zepp RG, Wilson SR, Andrady AL, et al. Journal article Ozone depletion, ultraviolet radiation, climate change and prospects for a sustainable future (2019) Barnes PW, Williamson CE, Lucas RM, Robinson SA, Madronich S, Paul ND, Bornman JF, et al. Journal article, Review article Loss of β Epithelial Sodium Channel Function in Meibomian Glands Produces Pseudohypoaldosteronism 1-Like Ocular Disease in Mice (2018) Yu D, Saini Y, Chen G, Ghio AJ, Dang H, Burns KA, Wang Y, et al. Journal article