Central South University

University / College

Location: Changsha, China (CN) CN

ISNI: 0000000103797164

ROR: https://ror.org/00f1zfq44

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Facilitating integrative and personalized oncology omics analysis with UCSCXenaShiny (2024) Li S, Peng Y, Chen M, Zhao Y, Xiong Y, Li J, Luo P, et al. Journal article Composite electroforming of precision Ni-P-PTFE mold inserts with low internal stress and self-lubricating properties (2024) Ma Z, Jiang B, Drummer D, Zhang L Journal article Tartaric acid-derived chiral carbon nanodots for catalytic enantioselective ring-opening reactions of styrene oxide (2024) Zhao X, Reva Y, Jana B, Langford D, Kinzelmann M, Zhang Z, Liu Q, et al. Journal article Influence of phosphorous acid concentration on the self-lubricating properties of electroformed Ni-P-PTFE ternary composites (2024) Ma Z, Jiang B, Drummer D, Zhang L Journal article TCCIA: a comprehensive resource for exploring CircRNA in cancer immunotherapy (2024) Wang S, Xiong Y, Zhang Y, Wang H, Chen M, Li J, Luo P, et al. Journal article Combined inhibition of IL-1, IL-33 and IL-36 signalling by targeting IL1RAP ameliorates skin and lung fibrosis in preclinical models of systemic sclerosis (2024) Grönberg C, Rattik S, Tran-Manh C, Zhou X, Rius Rigau AR, Li YN, Györfi AH, et al. Journal article Fibroblast Subpopulations in Systemic Sclerosis: Functional Implications of Individual Subpopulations and Correlations with Clinical Features (2024) Zhu H, Luo H, Skaug B, Tabib T, Li Y, Tao Y, Matei AE, et al. Journal article Mass transfer characteristics at cathode/electrolyte interface during electrodeposition of nickel microcolumns with various aspect ratios (2023) Dong Y, Jiang B, Drummer D, Zhang L Journal article No (Cambrian) explosion and no (Ordovician) event: A single long-term radiation in the early Palaeozoic (2023) Servais T, Cascales-Miñana B, Harper DA, Lefebvre B, Munnecke A, Wang W, Zhang Y Journal article Electrophoretic deposition of coatings for local delivery of therapeutic agents (2023) Cheng X, Liu Y, Liu O, Lu Y, Liao Z, Hadzhieva Z, Chen L, et al. Journal article, Review article