Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Research facility
India (IN)
ISNI: 000000041767065X
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A unifying finite strain modeling framework for anisotropic mixed-mode fracture in soft materials (2023)
Pranavi D, Steinmann P, Rajagopal A
Journal article
Efficient and improved prediction of the band offsets at semiconductor heterojunctions from meta-GGA density functionals: A benchmark study (2022)
Ghosh A, Jana S, Rauch T, Tran F, Marques MA, Botti S, Constantin LA, et al.
Journal article
Roadmap on Spin-Wave Computing (2022)
Chumak AV, Kabos P, Wu M, Abert C, Adelmann C, Adeyeye A, Akerman J, et al.
Journal article
Hyperelastic analysis based on a polygonal finite element method (2018)
Rajagopal A, Kraus M, Steinmann P
Journal article
Adaptive Poly-FEM for the analysis of plane elasticity problems (2017)
Kasi B, Rajagopal A, Steinmann P
Journal article