Nelson Mandela University
University / College
Port Elizabeth,
South Africa (ZA)
ISNI: 0000000121913608
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Assessing Field Degradation of Photovoltaic Modules by Near-Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Encapsulant (2024)
Stroyuk O, Buerhop C, Wittman E, Mashkov O, Stephan P, Crozier McCleland J, Vumbugwa M, et al.
Journal article
Synthesis, characterisation and water-gas shift activity of nano-particulate mixed-metal (Al, Ti) cobalt oxides (2019)
Wolf M, Roberts SJ, Marquart W, Olivier EJ, Luchters NTJ, Gibson EK, Catlow CRA, et al.
Journal article
Water-Induced Formation of Cobalt-Support Compounds under Simulated High Conversion Fischer-Tropsch Environment (2019)
Wolf M, Gibson EK, Olivier EJ, Neethling JH, Catlow CRA, Fischer N, Claeys M
Journal article