Makerere University
University / College
Uganda (UG)
ISNI: 0000000406200548
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The rural Uganda non-communicable disease (RUNCD) study: prevalence and risk factors of self-reported NCDs from a cross sectional survey (2021)
Siddharthan T, Kalyesubula R, Morgan B, Ermer T, Rabin TL, Kayongo A, Munana R, et al.
Journal article
Paleogene initiation of the Western Branch of the East African Rift: The uplift history of the Rwenzori Mountains, Western Uganda (2020)
Jess S, Köhn D, Fox M, Enkelmann E, Sachau T, Aanyu K
Journal article
The giant outburst of 4U 0115+634 in 2011 with Suzaku and RXTE: Minimizing cyclotron line biases (2020)
Kühnel M, Kreykenbohm I, Ferrigno C, Pottschmidt K, Marcu-Cheatham DM, Fuerst F, Rothschild RE, et al.
Journal article