Yale New Haven Hospital
Yale, CT,
United States (USA) (US)
ROR: https://ror.org/05tszed37
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Endovascular Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke With the Penumbra System in Routine Practice: COMPLETE Registry Results (2022)
Zaidat OO, Fifi JT, Nanda A, Atchie B, Woodward K, Dörfler A, Tomasello A, et al.
Journal article
Results of COVID-minimal Surgical Pathway During Surge-phase of COVID-19 Pandemic (2020)
Boffa DJ, Judson BL, Billingsley KG, Del Rossi E, Hindinger K, Walters S, Ermer T, et al.
Journal article
Epidemiology, molecular, and genetic methodologies to evaluate causes of CKDu around the world: report of the Working Group from the ISN International Consortium of Collaborators on CKDu (2019)
Anand S, Caplin B, Gonzalez-Quiroz M, Schensul SL, Bhalla V, Parada X, Nanayakkara N, et al.
Journal article, Editorial
Meniscus morphology: Does tear type matter? A narrative review with focus on relevance for osteoarthritis research (2017)
Jarraya M, Roemer F, Englund M, Crema MD, Gale HI, Hayashi D, Katz JN, Guermazi A
Journal article