Bioceros Holding B.V.
Industry / private company
Netherlands (NL)
Soluble CD83 Triggers Resolution of Arthritis and Sustained Inflammation Control in IDO Dependent Manner (2019)
Royzman D, Andrev D, Stich L, Rauh M, Bäuerle T, Ellmann S, Boon L, et al.
Journal article
Concerted activity of IgG1 antibodies and IL-4/IL-25-dependent effector cells trap helminth larvae in the tissues following vaccination with defined secreted antigens, providing sterile immunity to challenge infection (2015)
Hewitson JP, Filbey KJ, Bieren JEV, Camberis M, Schwartz C, Murray J, Reynolds LA, et al.
Journal article
Topical application of soluble CD83 induces IDO-mediated immune modulation, increases Foxp3+ T cells, and prolongs allogeneic corneal graft survival (2013)
Bock F, Roessner S, Onderka J, Lechmann M, Pallotta MT, Fallarino F, Boon L, et al.
Journal article