Children's Hospital of Philadelphia


Location: Philadelphia, United States (USA) (US) US

ISNI: 0000000106808770


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The MAGIC algorithm probability predicts treatment response and long-term outcomes to second-line therapy for acute GVHD (2024) DeFilipp Z, Kim HT, Spyrou N, Katsivelos N, Kowalyk S, Eng G, Kasikis S, et al. Journal article Spliceosome malfunction causes neurodevelopmental disorders with overlapping features (2024) Li D, Wang Q, Bayat A, Battig MR, Zhou Y, Bosch DG, van Haaften G, et al. Journal article A syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder caused by rare variants in PPFIA3 (2024) Paul MS, Michener SL, Pan H, Chan H, Pfliger JM, Rosenfeld JA, Lerma VC, et al. Journal article A Day 14 Endpoint for Acute GVHD Clinical Trials (2024) Spyrou N, Akahoshi Y, Kowalyk S, Morales G, Beheshti R, Aguayo-Hiraldo P, Al Malki MM, et al. Journal article Flares of acute graft-versus-host disease: a Mount Sinai Acute GVHD International Consortium analysis. (2024) Akahoshi Y, Spyrou N, Hoepting M, Aguayo-Hiraldo P, Ayuk F, Chanswangphuwana C, Choe HK, et al. Journal article Expanded phenotypic spectrum of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorder Bryant-Li-Bhoj syndrome with 38 additional individuals (2024) Layo-Carris DE, Lubin EE, Sangree AK, Clark KJ, Durham EL, Gonzalez EM, Smith S, et al. Journal article Phase 2 study of natalizumab plus standard corticosteroid treatment for high-risk acute graft-versus-host disease (2023) Al Malki MM, London K, Baez J, Akahoshi Y, Hogan WJ, Etra A, Choe H, et al. Journal article The utility of biomarkers in acute GVHD prognostication (2023) Spyrou N, Akahoshi Y, Ayuk F, Holler E, Choe H, Etra A, Hogan WJ, et al. Journal article Incidence, clinical presentation, risk factors, outcomes, and biomarkers in de novo late acute GVHD (2023) Akahoshi Y, Spyrou N, Hogan WJ, Ayuk F, DeFilipp Z, Weber D, Choe HK, et al. Journal article Mechanism of KMT5B haploinsufficiency in neurodevelopment in humans and mice (2023) Sheppard SE, Bryant L, Wickramasekara RN, Vaccaro C, Robertson B, Hallgren J, Hulen J, et al. Journal article