Valencia Oncology Institute Foundation / Fundación Instituto Valenciano de Oncología / Fundació Institut Valencià d’Oncologia (IVO)


Location: Valencia, Spain (ES) ES

ISNI: 000000041771144X


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




GEC-ESTRO recommendations for head & neck cancer brachytherapy (interventional radiotherapy): 2nd update with focus on HDR and PDR (2024) Guinot JL, Bacorro W, Budrukkar A, Bussu F, Gonzalez-Perez V, Jaberi R, Martinez-Monge R, et al. Journal article Very accelerated partial breast irradiation in 1 or 2 days: Late toxicity and early oncological outcome of the GEC-ESTRO VAPBI cohort (2024) Hannoun-Levi JM, Gimeno Morales M, Gal J, Anchuelo J, Guinot JL, Gastanaga M, Meszaros N, et al. Journal article Accelerated partial breast irradiation using sole interstitial multicatheter brachytherapy compared with whole-breast irradiation with boost for early breast cancer: 10-year results of a GEC-ESTRO randomised, phase 3, non-inferiority trial (2023) Strnad V, Polgár C, Ott O, Hildebrandt G, Kauer-Dorner D, Knauerhase H, Major T, et al. Journal article The value of GLI1 and p16 immunohistochemistry in the premolecular screening for GLI1-altered mesenchymal neoplasms (2023) Machado I, Agaimy A, Giner F, Navarro S, Michal M, Bridge J, Claramunt R, et al. Journal article Prognostic impact of variant histologies in urothelial bladder cancer treated with radical cystectomy (2023) Claps F, van de Kamp MW, Mayr R, Bostrom PJ, Shariat SF, Hippe K, Bertz S, et al. Journal article In Regard to Rahimi et al. (2022) Hannoun-Levi JM, Guinot JL, Gutierrez C, Polgar C, Strnad V Journal article Response to Escande et al.: Magnetic guided brachytherapy: Time for non-pelvic cancer? Example from tongue brachytherapy [1] (2021) Kovács G, Martinez-Monge R, Budrukkar A, Guinot JL, Johansson B, Strnad V, Rovirosa A, et al. Journal article Risk factors associated with positive surgical margins’ location at radical cystectomy and their impact on bladder cancer survival (2021) Claps F, Van De Kamp MW, Mayr R, Bostrom PJ, Boormans JL, Eckstein M, Mertens LS, et al. Journal article EAU-ESMO Consensus Statements on the Management of Advanced and Variant Bladder Cancer-An International Collaborative Multistakeholder Effort Under the Auspices of the EAU-ESMO Guidelines Committees (2020) Witjes JA, Babjuk M, Bellmunt J, Bruins HM, De Reijke TM, De Santis M, Gillessen S, et al. Journal article Cost-effectiveness of SelectMDx for prostate cancer in four European countries: a comparative modeling study (2019) Govers TM, Hessels D, Vlaeminck-Guillem V, Schmitz-Draeger BJ, Stief CG, Martinez-Ballesteros C, Ferro M, et al. Journal article
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