University of Warsaw / Uniwersytet Warszawski

University / College

Location: Warszawa / Warsaw / Warschau, Poland (PL) PL

ISNI: 0000000419371290


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




HESS J1809-193: A halo of escaped electrons around a pulsar wind nebula? (2023) Aharonian F, Ait Benkhali F, Aschersleben J, Ashkar H, Backes M, Barbosa Martins V, Batzofin R, et al. Journal article Discovery of the luminous X-ray ignition eRASSt J234402.9-352640: I. Tidal disruption event or a rapid increase in accretion in an active galactic nucleus? (2023) Homan D, Krumpe M, Markowitz A, Saha T, Gokus A, Partington E, Lamer G, et al. Journal article Quantum Oppenheimer-Snyder and Swiss Cheese Models (2023) Lewandowski J, Ma Y, Yang J, Zhang C Journal article A general convex integration scheme for the isentropic compressible Euler equations (2023) Dȩbiec T, Skipper J, Wiedemann E Journal article H.E.S.S. Follow-up Observations of GRB 221009A (2023) Aharonian F, Benkhali FA, Aschersleben J, Ashkar H, Backes M, Baktash A, Martins VB, et al. Journal article SRG/eROSITA-triggered XMM-Newton observations of three Be/X-ray binaries in the LMC: Discovery of X-ray pulsations (2023) Haberl F, Maitra C, Kaltenbrunner D, Buckley DA, Monageng IM, Udalski A, Doroshenko V, et al. Journal article Challenges and directions in analytical paleobiology (2023) Dillon E, Dunne E, Womack T, Kouvari M, Larina E, Claytor JR, Ivkić A, et al. Journal article Constraints on the Intergalactic Magnetic Field Using Fermi-LAT and H.E.S.S. Blazar Observations (2023) Aharonian F, Aschersleben J, Backes M, Martins VB, Batzofin R, Becherini Y, Berge D, et al. Journal article Broadband study and the discovery of pulsations from the Be/X-ray binary eRASSU J052914.9-662446 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (2023) Maitra C, Kaltenbrunner D, Haberl F, Buckley DA, Monageng IM, Udalski A, Carpano S, et al. Journal article Where traditional extinction estimates fall flat: using novel cophylogenetic methods to estimate extinction risk in platyhelminths (2022) Mulvey L, Warnock R, De Baets K Journal article