CEU San Pablo University / Universidad CEU San Pablo
University / College
Spain (ES)
ISNI: 0000000121590415
ROR: https://ror.org/00tvate34
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Solar Light-Induced Photoelectrochemical H2 Generation Over Hierarchical TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Decorated with CdS Nanoparticles (2024)
Raza W, Tesler A, Mazare AV, Schmuki P
Journal article
sPlotOpen – An environmentally balanced, open-access, global dataset of vegetation plots (2021)
Sabatini FM, Lenoir J, Hattab T, Arnst EA, Chytrý M, Dengler J, De Ruffray P, et al.
Journal article
Serum antibodies to phosphatidylcholine in MS (2020)
Cruz Sadaba M, Rothhammer V, Munoz U, Sebal C, Escudero E, Kivisakk P, Garcia Sanchez MI, et al.
Journal article
Loop Quantum Gravity. The first 30 years. (2017)
Giesel K, Laddha A, Varadarajan M, Bianchi E, Oriti D, Dittrich B, Agullo I, et al.
Authored book, Volume of book series
Towards the introduction of the 'Immunoscore' in the classification of malignant tumours (2014)
Galon J, Mlecnik B, Bindea G, Angell HK, Berger A, Lagorce C, Lugli A, et al.
Journal article
Communicating Governments: A Three-Country Comparison of How Governments Communicate with Citizens (2011)
Sanders K, Canel Crespo MJ, Holtz-Bacha C
Journal article
Communicating governments: A three-country comparison of how governments communicate with citizens (2011)
Holtz-Bacha C, Sanders K, Canel Crespo MJ
Journal article, Original article