German University of Technology in Oman (GUtech) / الجامعة الألمانية للتكنولوجيا في عمان
University / College
Oman (OM)
ISNI: 0000000405259791
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Origin of the Cretaceous olistostromes in the Oman mountains (Sultanate of Oman): Evidence from clay minerals (2022)
Mattern F, Scharf A, Pracejus B, Al Shibli ISA, Al Kabani BMS, Al Qasmi WYA, Kießling W, Callegari I
Journal article
Tectonics and kinematics of an Alpine shear zone near As Sifah (NE Oman) (2022)
Al Harthy S, Bauer W, Handoniaina JAN, Al Maawali H, Wischer J, Tamas DM
Journal article
Amblysiphonella agahensis nov. sp., and Musandamia omanica nov. gen. nov. sp. (Porifera) from the Upper Tirassic of Oman (2010)
Senowbari-Daryan B, Bernecker M
Journal article
Surface water freshening and high-latitude river discharge in the Eocene North Sea. (2009)
Zacke A, Voigt S, Joachimski M, Gale AS, Ward DJ, Tuetken T
Journal article
Amblysiphonella adnetensis nov. sp. ("Sphinctozoa", Porifera) from the Upper Triassic reef complex near Adnet (Salzburg, Austria) (2009)
Senowbari-Daryan B, Bernecker M
Journal article
Carnian reef biota from limestone blocks of different tectonic settings in the Oman Mountains (2009)
Senowbari-Daryan B, Bernecker M
Journal article
Crustacean coprolites of the Late Triassic Tethys: Biogeography from the Mediterranian to the Middle East (2005)
Senowbari-Daryan B, Bernecker M
Journal article
Crustacean microcoprolites from the Upper Triassic, Oman (2000)
Senowbari-Daryan B, Bernecker M
Journal article