Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

University / College

Location: Heidelberg, Germany (DE) DE

ISNI: 0000000121904373


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The race for best friendship in Sino-Gulf relations: fractured cooperation and conflict in times of strategic uncertainty (2025) Thies A, Zumbraegel T, Demmelhuber T Journal article Interleukin-16 is increased in dialysis patients but is not a cardiovascular risk factor (2024) Brösecke F, Pfau A, Ermer T, Dein Terra Mota Ribeiro AB, Rubenbauer L, Rao VS, Burlein S, et al. Journal article Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for DLBCL: a report from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation on more than 40,000 patients over 32 years (2024) Berning P, Fekom M, Ngoya M, Goldstone AH, Dreger P, Montoto S, Finel H, et al. Journal article Recommendations for the organization of the teleconsultation service in a telestroke network (2024) Wiestler H, Zickler P, Erdur H, Abu-Mugheisib M, Kallmünzer B, Klingner C, Müller-Barna P, et al. Journal article Zyxin is important for the stability and function of podocytes, especially during mechanical stretch (2024) Kliewe F, Siegerist F, Hammer E, Al-Hasani J, Amling TRJ, Hollemann JZE, Schindler M, et al. Journal article PATHFINDER-CHD: prospective registry on adults with congenital heart disease, abnormal ventricular function, and/or heart failure as a foundation for establishing rehabilitative, prehabilitative, preventive, and health-promoting measures: rationale, aims, design and methods (2024) Freilinger S, Kaemmerer H, Pittrow RD, Achenbach S, Baldus S, Dewald O, Ewert P, et al. Journal article Moiré Lattice of Twisted Bilayer Graphene as Template for Non‐Covalent Functionalization (2024) Dierke T, Wolff S, Gillen R, Eisenkolb J, Nagel T, Maier S, Kivala M, et al. Journal article Using Machine Learning and Feature Importance to Identify Risk Factors for Mortality in Pediatric Heart Surgery (2024) Kapsner L, Feißt M, Purbojo A, Prokosch HU, Ganslandt T, Dittrich S, Mang JM, Wällisch W Journal article Benchmarking whole exome sequencing in the German network for personalized medicine (2024) Menzel M, Martis-Thiele M, Goldschmid H, Ott A, Romanovsky E, Siemanowski-Hrach J, Seillier L, et al. Journal article Update: Nutrition and physical activity in infants and breastfeeding women 2024: Partly updated recommendations by “Healthy Start Network” (Netzwerk Gesund ins Leben) on the selection of infant nutrition in increased allergy risk and on fluoride use Update: Ernährung und Bewegung von Säuglingen und stillenden Frauen 2024: Teilaktualisierte Handlungsempfehlungen des bundesweiten Netzwerk Gesund ins Leben zur Auswahl von Säuglingsnahrung bei erhöhtem Allergierisiko und zur Fluoridgabe (2024) Abou-Dakn M, Abu-Omar K, Alaze-Hagemann F, Alexy U, Bauer CP, Beyer K, Cierpka M, et al. Journal article