Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory / Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS)
Research facility
Brazil (BR)
ISNI: 0000000404450877
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Ca neighbors from XANES spectroscopy: A tool to investigate structure, redox, and nucleation processes in silicate glasses, melts, and crystals (2016)
Cicconi MR, de Ligny D, Gallo TM, Neuville DR
Journal article
Three-dimensional non-destructive soft-tissue visualization with X-ray staining micro-tomography (2015)
Silva JMDSE, Zanette I, Noel PB, Cardoso MB, Kimm MA, Pfeiffer F
Journal article
Insights into the skeletonization, lifestyle, and affinity of the unusual ediacaran fossil Corumbella (2015)
Pacheco MLAF, Galante D, Rodrigues F, Leme JDM, Bidola P, Hagadorn W, Stockmar M, et al.
Journal article