Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V. (DGUV)


Location: Berlin, Germany (DE) DE

ISNI: 0000000121805850


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Basal cell carcinoma risk and solar UV exposure in occupationally relevant anatomic sites: do histological subtype, tumor localization and Fitzpatrick phototype play a role? A population-based case-control study (2020) Bauer A, Haufe E, Heinrich L, Seidler A, Schulze HJ, Elsner P, Drexler H, et al. Journal article, Original article Is ultraviolet exposure acquired at work the most important risk factor for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma? Results of the population-based case-control study FB-181 (2018) Schmitt J, Haufe E, Trautmann F, Schulze HJ, Elsner P, Drexler H, Bauer A, et al. Journal article Occupational UV-Exposure is a Major Risk Factor for Basal Cell Carcinoma: Results of the Population-Based Case-Control Study FB-181 (2018) Schmitt J, Haufe E, Trautmann F, Schulze HJ, Elsner P, Drexler H, Bauer A, et al. Journal article Forschungsprojekt „Durch UV-Strahlung induzierte bösartige Hauttumore“ – Berufliche und außerberufliche Exposition gegenüber UV-Strahlung und Hautkrebs (2017) Schmitt J, Haufe E, Trautmann F, Allam JP, Bachmann K, Bauer A, Bieber T, et al. Journal article, Review article Wird es zukünftig noch DGUV-Grundsätze geben? (2016) Kluckert M, Brüning T, Nowak D, Letzel S, Drexler H Journal article Empfehlung zur Begutachtung von arbeitsbedingten Hauterkrankungen und Hautkrebserkrankungen – Bamberger Empfehlung (2016) Diepgen TL, Krohn S, Bauer A, Bernhard-Klimt C, Brandenburg S, Drexler H, Elsner P, et al. Journal article Minderung der Erwerbsfähigkeit bei den Berufskrankheiten Nr. 5102, 1108 und 2402 (2015) Diepgen TL, Drexler H, Krohn S Journal article, Review article Psoriasis predisposition and occupational triggering factors in the appraisal of occupational medical expertises (2014) Mahler V, Diepgen T, Skudlik C, Becker D, Dickel H, Fartasch M, Geier J, et al. Journal article Skin cancer induced by natural UV-radiation as an occupational disease--requirements for its notification and recognition (2014) Diepgen TL, Brandenburg S, Aberer W, Bauer A, Drexler H, Fartasch M, John SM, et al. Journal article