EADS Astrium GmbH

Industry / private company

Location: Paris, France (FR) FR

ISNI: 000000106576236


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




All-fiber-coupled, master oscillator fiber power amplifier based laser assembly for the LISA gravitational wave detector (2017) Weise D, Limpert J, Schreiber T, Braxmaier C, Wührer C, Gath P, Schulte HR, et al. Conference contribution Simultaneous Low PRF GMTI and HRWS SAR Imaging without Changing the System Operation Mode (2014) Baumgartner SV, Schaefer C, Krieger G Conference contribution Plasma Pre-treatment of Large Surface Areas Using a LARGE Plasma source Grobflächige Plasmavorbehandlung und PECVD bei Atmosphärendruck mittels LARGE-Plasmaquelle (2013) Kotte L, Mäder G, Roch J, Leupolt B, Kaskel S, Wielant J, Mertens T, Gammel FJ Journal article Segmentation based particle filtering for real-time 2D object tracking (2012) Schubert F, Navab N, Ilic S, Belagiannis V Conference contribution Life prediction of thermally highly loaded components: Modelling the damage process of a rocket combustion chamber hot wall (2011) Schwarz W, Schwub S, Quering K, Wiedmann D, Höppel HW, Göken M Journal article Experimental studies on joining thin silver foils by recrystallization using ultrashort laser pulses (2011) Eiselen S, Zimmermann CG, Bechtold P, Schmidt M Journal article Tandem-L: An Innovative Interferometric and Polarimetric SAR Mission to Monitor Earth System Dynamics with High Resolution (2010) Krieger G, Hajnsek I, Papathanassiou K, Eineder M, Younis M, De Zan F, Huber S, et al. Conference contribution Performance Investigation on the High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR System with Monostatic Architecture (2010) Bordoni F, Younis M, Gebert N, Krieger G, Fischer C Conference contribution Spaceborne to UAV Bistatic Radar System for High-resolution Imaging and Autonomous Navigation (2010) Rodriguez-Cassola M, Younis M, Krieger G, Oswald M, Del Monte L Conference contribution Tandem-L: A Mission for Monitoring Earth System Dynamics with High Resolution SAR Interferometry (2010) Krieger G, Hajnsek I, Papathanassiou K, Eineder M, Younis M, De Zan F, Lopez-Dekker P, et al. Conference contribution