Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg

University / College

Location: Bamberg, Germany (DE) DE

ISNI: 0000000123254853


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Information Systems and Behavioural Change: Feedback Interventions to curb the consumption of natural resources (2023) Staake T, Tiefenbeck V, Stiefmeier T Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Fostering multiple document comprehension: motivational factors and its relationship with the use of self-study materials (2023) Zink T, Hahnel C, Kroehne U, Deribo T, Mahlow N, Artelt C, Goldhammer F, et al. Journal article Fast 3D YOLOv3 based standard plane regression of vertebral bodies in intra-operative CBCT volumes (2023) Doerrich S, Kordon FJ, Denzinger F, El Barbari JS, Privalov M, Vetter SY, Maier A, Kunze H Journal article Does Teachers’ Spirituality Make a Difference? The Explanatory Value of Spirituality and Religiosity for Teachers’ Professional Beliefs on Teaching and Learning (2023) Penthin M, Christ A, Kröner S, Pirner M, Scheunpflug A Journal article, Original article Inklusive Lerngelegenheiten, inklusives pädagogisches Wissen und inklusive Überzeugungen von Grundschullehramtsstudierenden. Erste Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt InkluWi (2023) Elting C, Liebner S, Ertl S Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Evaluation-emotionale Reaktionen auf Literatur in literarischen Unterrichtsgesprächen (2023) Brüggemann J, Albrecht C Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Bildung und berufliche Souveränität. Gutachten (2023) Anders Y, Hannover B, Jungbauer-Gans M, Lenzen D, McElvany N, Seidel T, Tippelt R, et al. Authored book Ethik der Natur, Ethik der Stadt. Studien zum Werk Silke Scheuermanns (2023) Villinger A, Bartl A Edited Volume Tracing Individual Experiences of Everyday Greenness: Initial Results from the SpaceLog Mobile App (2023) Kremer D, Neuner A, Jelinski S, Stadlmeier A, Schlieder C, Walker B Journal article Justice perceptions of occupational training subsidies: findings from a factorial survey (2022) Wolff RV, Struck O, Osiander C, Senghaas M, Stephan G Journal article