University of Puerto Rico (UPR)
University / College
San Juan,
Puerto Rico (PR)
ISNI: 0000000404621680
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Raman micro-spectral imaging of cells and intracellular drug delivery using nanocarrier systems (2018)
Matthaeus C, Chernenko T, Stiebing C, Quintero L, Miljkovic M, Milane L, Kale A, et al.
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Addendum: Local Elliptic Regularity for the Dirichlet Fractional Laplacian (2017)
Biccari U, Warma M, Zuazua E
Journal article, Erratum
Local Elliptic Regularity for the Dirichlet Fractional Laplacian (2017)
Biccari U, Warma M, Zuazua E
Journal article
σ-Holes, π-Holes and Electrostatically-Driven Interactions (2012)
Murray JS, Lane P, Clark T, Riley KE, Politzer P
Journal article
Is C60 buckminsterfullerene aromatic? (2012)
Chen Z, Wu JI, Corminboeuf C, Bohmann J, Lu X, Hirsch A, Schleyer PVR
Journal article, Original article
Directional Weak Intermolecular Interactions: sigma-Hole Bonding (2010)
Murray JS, Riley KE, Politzer P, Clark T
Journal article