European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)

Research / Science organisation

Location: Heidelberg, Germany (DE) DE

ISNI: 000000040495846X


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Ferritin-Mediated Iron Sequestration Stabilizes Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1α upon LPS Activation in the Presence of Ample Oxygen. (2015) Siegert I, Schoedel J, Nairz M, Schatz V, Dettmer K, Dick C, Kalucka J, et al. Journal article, Original article Temporal Expression Profiling Identifies Pathways Mediating Effect of Causal Variant on Phenotype (2015) Gupta S, Radhakrishnan A, Raharja-Liu P, Lin G, Steinmetz LM, Gagneur J, Sinha H Journal article Negative feedback buffers effects of regulatory variants (2015) Bader DM, Wilkening S, Lin G, Tekkedil MM, Dietrich K, Steinmetz LM, Gagneur J Journal article An siRNA-based functional genomics screen for the identification of regulators of ciliogenesis and ciliopathy genes (2015) Wheway G, Schmidts M, Mans DA, Szymanska K, Nguyen TMT, Racher H, Phelps IG, et al. Journal article Principles of the prolactin/vasoinhibin axis (2015) Triebel J, Bertsch T, Bollheimer C, Rios-Barrera D, Pearce CF, Huefner M, Martnez De La Escalera G, Clapp C Journal article Yeast growth plasticity is regulated by environment-specific Multi-QTL interactions (2014) Bhatia A, Yadav A, Zhu C, Gagneur J, Radhakrishnan A, Steinmetz LM, Bhanot G, Sinha H Journal article An evaluation of high-throughput approaches to QTL mapping in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (2014) Wilkening S, Lin G, Fritsch ES, Tekkedil MM, Anders S, Kuehn R, Michelle Nguyen , et al. Journal article Mitochondrial protein sorting as a therapeutic target for ATP synthase disorders (2014) Aiyar RS, Bohnert M, Duvezin-Caubet S, Voisset C, Gagneur J, Fritsch ES, Couplan E, et al. Journal article Reorganization of the endosomal system in Salmonella-infected cells: the ultrastructure of Salmonella-induced tubular compartments (2014) Krieger V, Liebl D, Zhang Y, Rajashekar R, Chlanda P, Giesker K, Chikkaballi D, Hensel M Journal article Genotyping 1000 yeast strains by next-generation sequencing (2013) Wilkening S, Tekkedil MM, Lin G, Fritsch ES, Wei W, Gagneur J, Lazinski DW, et al. Journal article
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