Universitätsklinikum Ulm


Location: Ulm, Germany (DE) DE


ROR: https://ror.org/05emabm63

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Cathepsin D is released after severe tissue trauma in vivo and is capable of generating C5a in vitro (2012) Huber-Lang M, Denk S, Fulda S, Erler E, Kalbitz M, Weckbach S, Schneider EM, et al. Journal article Kindergarten und Grundschule gemeinsam denken? Didaktische Ansätze und systembedingte Verschiedenheit. (2012) Drexl D, Höke J, Schumann I, Rehm A, Sturmhöfel N Journal article Cutting edge: Mincle is essential for recognition and adjuvanticity of the mycobacterial cord factor and its synthetic analog trehalose-dibehenate. (2010) Schoenen H, Bodendorfer B, Hitchens K, Manzanero S, Werninghaus K, Nimmerjahn F, Agger EM, et al. Journal article Breast carcinoma - New aspects from practice and politics Mammakarzinom - Neue Aspekte aus Praxis und Politik (2010) Jonat W, Kreienberg R, Janni W, Mundhenke C Journal article Early expression changes of complement regulatory proteins and C5a receptor (CD88) on leukocytes after multiple injury in humans (2010) Amara U, Kalbitz M, Perl M, Flierl MA, Rittirsch D, Weiss M, Schneider M, et al. Journal article Evaluation of an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) in surgery and orthopedics by medical students Studentische Evaluation einer objektiven, strukturierten klinischen Prüfungsmethode (OSCE) im Fach Chirurgie und Orthopädie (2010) Kalbitz M, Liener U, Kornmann M, Gebhard F, Huber-Lang M Journal article Das Modellprojekt "Bildungshaus 3 - 10" - Pädagogischer Verbund von Kindergarten und Grundschule (2010) Drexl D, Sturmhöfel N Journal article Anti-TNF immunotherapy reduces CD8+ T cell-mediated antimicrobial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in humans. (2009) Bruns H, Bruns H, Meinken C, Schauenberg P, Haerter G, Kern P, Modlin RL, et al. Journal article, Original article Distinctive regulation of contact activation by antithrombin and C1-inhibitor on activated platelets and material surfaces (2009) Back J, Lang MH, Elgue G, Kalbitz M, Sanchez J, Ekdahl KN, Nilsson B Journal article