Acreo AB
Industry / private company
Gothenburg (Göteborg),
Sweden (SE)
ISNI: 0000000106922258
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Tailoring the graphene/silicon carbide interface for monolithic wafer-scale electronics (2012)
Hertel S, Waldmann D, Jobst J, Albert A, Albrecht M, Krieger M, Reshanov S, et al.
Journal article, Letter
A switch for epitaxial graphene electronics: Utilizing the silicon carbide substrate as transistor channel (2012)
Krach F, Hertel S, Waldmann D, Jobst J, Krieger M, Reshanov S, Schoner A, Weber HB
Journal article, Letter
Analysis of interface trap parameters from double-peak conductance spectra taken on N-implanted 3C-SiC MOS capacitors (2008)
Krieger M, Beljakowa S, Trapaidze L, Frank T, Weber HB, Pensl G, Hatta N, et al.
Journal article