BAE Systems plc
Industry / private company
United Kingdom (GB)
ISNI: 0000000404219667
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Broadband 7 mu m OPCPA pumped by a 2 mu m picosecond Ho: YLF CPA system (2016)
Sanchez D, Hemmer M, Baudisch M, Cousin SL, Zawilski K, Schunemann P, Smirnov V, et al.
Conference contribution
Broadband mid-IR frequency comb with CdSiP2 and AgGaS2 from an Er,Tm:Ho fiber laser (2014)
Sanchez D, Hemmer M, Baudisch M, Zawilski K, Schunemann PG, Hoogland H, Holzwarth R, Biegert J
Journal article
Capturing Time-of-Flight data with confidence (2011)
Reynolds M, Doboš J, Peel L, Weyrich T, Brostow GJ
Conference contribution