Audi AG

Industry / private company

Location: Ingolstadt, Germany (DE) DE

ISNI: 0000000102297838


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Corrigendum: “Reliability and Test Effort Analysis of Multi-Sensor Driver Assistance Systems” (Journal of Systems Architecture (2018) 85–86 (1–13), (S1383762117304289), (10.1016/j.sysarc.2018.01.006)) (2021) Bock F, Siegl S, Bazan P, Buchholz P, German R Journal article, Erratum Formation of Die Soldering and the Influence of Alloying Elements on the Intermetallic Interface (2021) Kohlhepp M, Uggowitzer PJ, Hummel M, Höppel HW Journal article Self-Supervised Learning of Domain-Invariant Local Features for Robust Visual Localization under Challenging Conditions (2021) Venator M, El Himer Y, Aklanoglu S, Bruns E, Maier A Journal article, Original article Semantic Image Alignment for Vehicle Localization (2021) Herb M, Lemberger M, Schmitt MM, Kurz A, Weiherer T, Navab N, Tombari F Conference contribution Lightweight Semantic Mesh Mapping for Autonomous Vehicles (2021) Herb M, Weiherer T, Navab N, Tombari F Conference contribution POMDP Planning at Roundabouts (2021) Bey H, Sackmann M, Lange A, Thielecke J Conference contribution Associating sensor data and reference truth labels: A step towards SOTIF validation of perception sensors (2021) Kryda M, Qiu M, Berk M, Buschardt B, Antesberger T, German R, Straub D Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Reliability assessment of multi-sensor perception system in automated driving functions (2021) Qiu M, Bazan P, Antesberger T, Bock F, German R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Parameter tuning for a Markov-based multi-sensor system (2021) Qiu M, Kryda M, Bock F, Antesberger T, Straub D, German R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Multi-sensor system simulation based on RESTART algorithm (2021) Qiu M, Antesberger T, German R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution