Brose Fahrzeugteile GmbH & Co.
Industry / private company
Germany (DE)
ISNI: 0000000460713205
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Shear behavior of woven and non-crimp fabric based thermoplastic composites at near-processing conditions (2020)
Mattner T, Wrensch M, Drummer D
Journal article, Original article
Unterstützung des Variantenmanagements von Elektromotoren durch wissensbasierte Systeme (2019)
Tüchsen J, Dorsch J, Obendorfer M, Schleich B, Wartzack S
Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
Influence of the Gap Flow of Axial Vehicle Cooling Fans on Radiated Narrowband and Broadband Noise (2019)
Becher M, Krusche R, Tautz M, Mauss M, Springer N, Krömer F, Becker S
Journal article
Compensation of edge effects in picture frame testing of continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastics (2018)
Mattner T, Körbel W, Wrensch M, Drummer D
Journal article, Original article
Testing of new materials and computer aided optimization of process parameters and clamping device during predevelopment of laser welding processes (2014)
Weidinger P, Guenther K, Fitzel M, Logvinov R, Ilin A, Ploshikhin V, Hugger F, et al.
Conference contribution
Auslegung langfaserverstärkter Thermoplastformteile (2011)
Tsigkopoulos T, Seefried A, Drummer D, Weidinger P, Bittermann J
Journal article