Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

Research facility

Location: Woods Hole, MA, United States (USA) (US) US

ISNI: 0000000405047510

ROR: https://ror.org/03zbnzt98

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Isotopic and kinetic constraints on methane origins in Icelandic hydrothermal fluids (2024) Stefánsson A, Ricci A, Garnett M, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Kleine-Marshall B, Scott SW, Lelli M, et al. Journal article Advances in remote sensing of emperor penguins: first multi-year time series documenting trends in the global population (2024) LaRue M, Iles D, Labrousse S, Fretwell P, Ortega D, Devane E, Horstmann I, et al. Journal article RFIDeep: Unfolding the potential of deep learning for radio-frequency identification (2023) Bardon G, Cristofari R, Winterl A, Barracho T, Benoiste M, Ceresa C, Chatelain N, et al. Journal article Deep magma degassing and volatile fluxes through volcanic hydrothermal systems: Insights from the Askja and Kverkfjöll volcanoes, Iceland (2023) Ranta E, Halldorsson SA, Barry PH, Ono S, Robin JG, Kleine BI, Ricci A, et al. Journal article Shallow recycling of lower continental crust: The Mahoney Seamount at the Southwest Indian Ridge (2023) Woelki D, Salters V, Beier C, Dick H, Koepke J, Romer R Journal article Unchanged nitrate and nitrite isotope fractionation during heterotrophic and Fe(II)-mixotrophic denitrification suggest a non-enzymatic link between denitrification and Fe(II) oxidation (2022) Visser AN, Wankel SD, Frey C, Kappler A, Lehmann MF Journal article Identification of environmental factors that promote intestinal inflammation. (2022) Sanmarco LM, Chao CC, Wang YC, Kenison JE, Li Z, Rone JM, Rejano-Gordillo CM, et al. Journal article Natural dimethyl sulfide gradients would lead marine predators to higher prey biomass (2021) Owen K, Saeki K, Warren JD, Bocconcelli A, Wiley DN, Ohira SI, Bombosch A, et al. Journal article Quantifying the causes and consequences of variation in satellite-derived population indices: a case study of emperor penguins (2021) Labrousse S, Iles D, Viollat L, Fretwell P, Trathan PN, Paranhos Zitterbart D, Jenouvrier S, Larue M Journal article Impact of reactive surfaces on the abiotic reaction between nitrite and ferrous iron and associated nitrogen and oxygen isotope dynamics (2020) Visser AN, Wankel SD, Niklaus PA, Byrne JM, Kappler A, Lehmann MF Journal article