Open Grid Europe GmbH
Industry / private company
Germany (DE)
Physical and technical fundamentals of gas networks (2015)
Fügenschuh A, Geißler B, Gollmer R, Morsi A, Pfetsch ME, Rövekamp J, Schmidt M, et al.
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Validation of nominations in gas network optimization: Models, methods, and solutions (2015)
Pfetsch ME, Fügenschuh A, Geißler B, Geißler N, Gollmer R, Hiller B, Humpola J, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Mathematical optimization for challenging network planning problems in unbundled liberalized gas markets (2014)
Fügenschuh A, Geißler B, Gollmer R, Hayn C, Henrion R, Hiller B, Humpola J, et al.
Journal article, Original article