University of Nancy
University / College
France (FR)
ISNI: 0000000121946418
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Supportive Environments for Physical Activity, Community Action and Policy in Eight EU Member States: Comparative Analysis and Specificities of Context (2014)
Rütten A, Frahsa A, Engbers L, Gusi N, Mota J, Pacenka R, Troelsen J, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Physical Activity Monitoring in Europe. The European Physical Activity Surveillance System (EUPASS). Approach and Indicator Testing (2003)
Rütten A, Vuillemin A, Ooijendijk W, Schena F, Sjöström M, Stahl T, Vanden Auweele Y, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Using Different Physical Activity Measurements in Eight European Countries. Results of the European Physical Activity Surveillance System (EUPASS) Time Series Survey. (2003)
Rütten A, Ziemainz H, Schena F, Stahl T, Stiggelbout M, Vanden Auweele Y, Vuillemin A, Welshman J
Journal article, Original article