University of Leeds

University / College

Location: Leeds, United Kingdom (GB) GB

ISNI: 0000000419368403


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Therapeutic interception in individuals at risk of rheumatoid arthritis to prevent clinically impactful disease () Deane KD, Michael Holers V, Emery P, Mankia K, El Gabalawy H, Sparks JA, Costenbader KH, et al. Journal article, Review article Trace Element Emissions Vary With Lava Flow Age and Thermal Evolution During the Fagradalsfjall 2021–2023 Eruptions, Iceland (2024) Wainman L, Ilyinskaya E, Pfeffer MA, Mandon CL, Bali E, Edwards BA, Kleine-Marshall B, et al. Journal article Compressed sensing using a deep adaptive perceptual generative adversarial network for MRI reconstruction from undersampled K-space data (2024) Wu K, Xia Y, Ravikumar N, Frangi AF Journal article Mega El Niño instigated the end-Permian mass extinction (2024) Sun Y, Farnsworth A, Joachimski M, Wignall PB, Krystyn L, Bond DP, Ravidà DC, Valdes PJ Journal article One hundred years of EEG for brain and behaviour research (2024) Mushtaq F, Welke D, Gallagher A, Pavlov YG, Kouara L, Bosch-Bayard J, van den Bosch JJ, et al. Journal article Late Triassic (Norian) strontium and oxygen isotopes from the Baoshan block, southwestern China: Possible causes and implications for climate change (2024) Chen Y, Zeng W, Joachimski M, Wignall PB, Ogg JG, Jiang H, Zhang M, Lai X Journal article Toward designing human intervention studies to prevent osteoarthritis after knee injury: A report from an interdisciplinary OARSI 2023 workshop (2024) Whittaker JL, Kalsoum R, Bilzon J, Conaghan PG, Crossley K, Dodge GR, Getgood A, et al. Journal article Risk of developing psoriatic arthritis in psoriasis cohorts with arthralgia: exploring the subclinical psoriatic arthritis stage (2024) Zabotti A, Fagni F, Gossec L, Giovannini I, Sticherling M, Tullio A, Baraliakos X, et al. Journal article Exceptionally low mercury concentrations and fluxes from the 2021 and 2022 eruptions of Fagradalsfjall volcano, Iceland (2024) Edwards BA, Pfeffer MA, Ilyinskaya E, Kleine-Marshall B, Mandon CL, Cotterill A, Aiuppa A, et al. Journal article Velocity variations and hydrological drainage at Baltoro Glacier, Pakistan (2024) Wendleder A, Bramboeck J, Izzard J, Erbertseder T, D'Angelo P, Schmitt A, Quincey DJ, et al. Journal article