Helsingin yliopisto / University of Helsinki

University / College

Location: Helsinki, Finland (FI) FI

ISNI: 0000000404102071

ROR: https://ror.org/040af2s02

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Slab steepening and rapid mantle wedge replacement during back-arc rifting in the New Hebrides (2024) Haase K, Regelous M, Beier C, Koppers AA Journal article Reply to the letter to the Editor “ESPEN guideline on nutrition and hydration in dementia - Update 2024” from Barbosa Gomes et al. (2024) Volkert D, Beck AM, Faxén-Irving G, Frühwald T, Hooper L, Keller H, Porter J, et al. Journal article The Petrology and Geochemistry of the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption, Iceland: An Eruption Sourced From Multiple, Compositionally Diverse, Near-Moho Sills (2024) Marshall EW, Caracciolo A, Bali E, Halldórsson SA, Matthews S, Ranta E, Rasmussen MB, et al. Journal article Comprehensive EHMT1 variants analysis broadens genotype-phenotype associations and molecular mechanisms in Kleefstra syndrome (2024) Rots D, Bouman A, Yamada A, Levy M, Dingemans AJ, de Vries BB, Ruiterkamp-Versteeg M, et al. Journal article Missense variants in ANO4 cause sporadic encephalopathic or familial epilepsy with evidence for a dominant-negative effect (2024) Yang F, Begemann A, Reichhart N, Haeckel A, Steindl K, Schellenberger E, Sturm RF, et al. Journal article Late-Pleistocene rejuvenated volcanism and flank collapse deposits on a Cretaceous seamount near El Hierro, Canary Archipelago (2024) Klügel A, Hauff F, Beier C, Pfänder JA, Freundt A, Römer M, Schönhofen-Romer M Journal article ESPEN guideline on nutrition and hydration in dementia – Update 2024 (2024) Volkert D, Beck AM, Faxén-Irving G, Frühwald T, Hooper L, Keller H, Porter J, et al. Journal article Poorly differentiated thyroid carcinomas: conceptual controversy and clinical impact (2024) Coca-Pelaz A, Rodrigo JP, Agaimy A, Williams MD, Saba NF, Nuyts S, Randolph GW, et al. Journal article, Review article Endovascular therapy of isolated posterior cerebral artery occlusion stroke with and without general anesthesia (2024) Berberich A, Herweh C, Qureshi MM, Strambo D, Michel P, Räty S, Abdalkader M, et al. Journal article Insights into fluid evolution and Re enrichment by mineral micro-analysis and fluid inclusion constraints: Evidence from the Maronia Cu-Mo ± Re ± Au porphyry system in NE Greece (2024) Falkenberg J, Keith M, Melfos V, Hohl M, Haase K, Voudouris P, Höß A, et al. Journal article