University of Paris 10 - Nanterre / Université Paris Nanterre La Défense
University / College
Paris Nanterre,
France (FR)
ISNI: 0000000121564014
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Neanderthal technological variability: A wide-ranging geographical perspective on the final Middle Palaeolithic (2022)
Romagnoli F, Chabai V, Gravina B, Hérisson D, Hovers E, Moncel MH, Peresani M, et al.
Authored book
Very high cycle fatigue for single phase ductile materials: Comparison between α-iron, copper and α-brass polycrystals (2016)
Favier V, Blanche A, Wang C, Ngoc Lam Phung , Ranc N, Wagner D, Bathias C, et al.
Journal article
Krise der banlieues und die politique de la ville in Frankreich (2012)
Weber F, Glasze G, Vieillard-Baron H
Journal article
Justice et injustices spatiales (2010)
Bret B, Gervais-Lambony P, Hancock C, Landy F
Authored book