Gadjah Mada University (UGM)
University / College
Indonesia (ID)
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Transdiagnostic Internet Intervention for Indonesian University Students With Depression and Anxiety: Evaluation of Feasibility and Acceptability (2021)
Rahmadiana M, Karyotaki E, Schulte M, Ebert D, Passchier J, Cuijpers P, Berger T, et al.
Journal article
Improving control of carbide-derived carbon microstructure by immobilization of a transition-metal catalyst within the shell of carbide/carbon core shell structures (2019)
Ariyanto T, Gläsel J, Kern A, Zhang G, Etzold B
Journal article
Age constraints on high-pressure/low-temperature metamorphism and sedimentation in the Luk Ulo Complex (Java, Indonesia) (2019)
Hoffmann J, Broecker M, Setiawan N, Klemd R, Berndt J, Maulana A, Baier H
Journal article
Preparation of hollow mesoporous carbon spheres and their performances for electrochemical applications (2018)
Ariyanto T, Zhang G, Kern A, Etzold B
Conference contribution
Controlled synthesis of core-shell carbide-derived carbons through in situ generated chlorine (2017)
Ariyanto T, Zhang G, Riyahi F, Gläsel J, Etzold B
Journal article