Hochschule Darmstadt (h_da)
University / College
Germany (DE)
ISNI: 000000008906027X
ROR: https://ror.org/047wbd030
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Comparison of conventional and shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy for bacterial identification (2022)
Lorenz B, Guo S, Raab C, Leisching P, Bocklitz T, Roesch P, Popp J
Journal article
Few-femtosecond resolved imaging of laser-driven nanoplasma expansion (2022)
Peltz C, Powell JA, Rupp P, Summers A, Gorkhover T, Gallei M, Halfpap , et al.
Journal article
Ionization-Induced Subcycle Metallization of Nanoparticles in Few-Cycle Pulses (2020)
Liu Q, Seiffert L, Suessmann F, Zherebtsov S, Passig J, Kessel A, Trushin SA, et al.
Journal article
Joint Segmentation and Shape Regularization with a Generalized Forward-Backward Algorithm (2016)
Stefanoiu A, Weinmann A, Storath M, Navab N, Baust M
Journal article
Significance of Cuscutain, a cysteine protease from Cuscuta reflexa, in host-parasite interactions (2010)
Bleischwitz M, Albert M, Fuchsbauer HL, Kaldenhoff R
Journal article
Sportunterricht und (sportbezogene) Selbstwirksamkeit. Erste empirische Befunde einer explorativen Feldstudie (2001)
Ziemainz H, Wagner P, Rütten A
Journal article, Original article