Technische Universität Darmstadt

University / College

Location: Darmstadt, Germany (DE) DE

ISNI: 0000000109401669


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Method for the consideration of statistically distributed geometrical deviations in the design of cylindrical roller bearing arrangements (2024) Kramer V, Atalay O, Rüth L, Wingertszahn P, Bartz M, Götz S, Schleich B, et al. Journal article Superior performance of N-doped carbon Nanoonions/Nafion based microfluidic electrochemical Cd2+ sensor when compared to Screen-Printed Carbon-Based electrode devices (2024) Ghanbari MH, Norouzi Z, Biesalski M, Etzold B Journal article System State Estimation for Gas Flows Using Observers Based on Density Measurements (2024) Gugat M, Giesselmann J, Kunkel T Book chapter / Article in edited volumes In-situ iron oxide particle size and shape evolution during the dissolution in oxalic acid (2024) Lausch M, Brockmann P, Schmitt F, Etzold BJ, Hussong J Journal article Medium-Level Architectures for Digital Twins: Bridging Conceptual Reference Architectures to Practical Implementation in Cloud, Edge and Cloud–Edge Deployments (2024) Fett M, Kraft M, Wilking F, Götz S, Wartzack S, Kirchner E Journal article Behavior of Lubricated Bearings in Electric Circuits (2024) Kirchner E, Bartz M, Becker-Dombrowsky F Journal article The SCIP Optimization Suite 9.0 (2024) Bolusani S, Besançon M, Bestuzheva K, Chmiela A, Dionísio J, Donkiewicz T, van Doornmalen J, et al. Other publication type A Novel RNA Aptamer as Synthetic Inducer of DasR Controlled Transcription (2024) Vockenhuber MP, Hoetzel J, Maurer LM, Fröhlich P, Weiler S, Muller Y, Koeppl H, Suess B Journal article Deterministic K-Identification for MC Poisson Channel With Inter-Symbol Interference (2024) Salariseddigh MJ, Jamali V, Pereg U, Boche H, Deppe C, Schober R Journal article Increasing Activity of Trimetallic Oxygen Reduction PtNiMo/C Catalysts Through Initial Conditioning (2024) Danisman B, Zhang GR, Baumunk AF, Yang J, Brummel O, Darge P, Dworschak D, et al. Journal article