Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

University / College

Location: Klagenfurt, Austria (AT) AT

ISNI: 0000000121963349


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Editorial (2024) Paseka A, Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz S, Bremm N, Gniewosz B, Krammer G, Hörl G Journal article, Editorial Editorial (2024) Paseka A, Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz S, Bremm N, Gniewosz B, Krammer G, Hörl G Journal article, Editorial Reliability and validity of an app-assisted tissue compliance meter in measuring tissue stiffness on a phantom model (2024) Brandl A, Acikalin E, Bartsch K, Wilke J, Schleip R Journal article Survival and hormone production of isolated mouse follicles in three-dimensional artificial scaffolds after stimulation with bpV(HOpic) (2024) Keckstein P, Dittrich R, Bleisinger N, Hoffmann I, Beckmann M, Gebhardt A, Schmid B, Keckstein S Journal article Assessing reliability and validity of different stiffness measurement tools on a multi-layered phantom tissue model (2023) Bartsch K, Brandl A, Weber P, Wilke J, Bensamoun SF, Bauermeister W, Klingler W, Schleip R Journal article Introduction: The Forgotten Subject in Communication Studies (2023) Gentzel P, Krotz F, Wimmer J, Winter R Book chapter / Article in edited volumes The Forgotten Subject. Subject Constitutions in Mediatized Everyday Worlds (2023) Gentzel P, Krotz F, Wimmer J, Winter R Edited Volume Editorial (2023) Paseka A, Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz S, Bremm N, Eder F, Gniewosz B, Krammer G, Hörl G Journal article, Editorial Error prognosis in automobile assembly: Use of a supervised learning algorithm for vehicle and station-related error prognosis Fehlerprognose in der Automobilmontage: Einsatz eines überwachten Lernalgorithmus zur fahrzeug-und stations-bezogenen Fehlerprognose (2022) Huber T, Winkler H Journal article Model application in the case studies: challenges and lessons learnt (Deliverable 7.2, SENTINEL project) (2022) Michas S, Kleanthis N, Stavrakas V, Schibline A, Ceglarz A, Flamos A, Tzani D, et al. Other publication type
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