Simon Fraser University

University / College

Location: Burnaby, Canada (CA) CA

ISNI: 0000000419367494


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Unlocking the potential of information flow: Maximizing free-energy transduction in a model of an autonomous rotary molecular motor (2024) Grelier M, Sivak DA, Ehrich J Journal article The utility of street view imagery in environmental audits for runnability (2023) Harden S, Schuurman N, Larson H, Walker B Journal article, Original article Effects of Iron Species on Low Temperature CO2 Electrolyzers (2023) Staerz AF, van Leeuwen M, Priamushko T, Saatkamp T, Endrődi B, Plankensteiner N, Jobbagy M, et al. Journal article, Review article Attachment and trauma-informed programme to support forcibly displaced parents of youth in Sweden: Feasibility and preliminary outcomes of the eConnect Online programme (2023) Kristen A, Salari R, Moretti MM, Osman F Journal article, Original article Neighborhood Greenspace and Socioeconomic Risk are Associated with Diabetes Risk at the Sub-neighborhood Scale: Results from the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE) Study (2022) Walker B, Brinkmann S, Große T, Kremer D, Schuurman N, Hystad P, Rangarajan S, et al. Journal article, Original article Attachment goes to court: Child protection and custody issues El Apego Va a Juicio: Problemas de Custodia y Protección Infantil (2022) Forslund T, Granqvist P, Van Ijzendoorn MH, Sagi-Schwartz A, Glaser D, Steele M, Hammarlund M, et al. Journal article E-type prostanoid receptor 4 drives resolution of intestinal inflammation by blocking epithelial necroptosis (2021) Patankar J, Muller TM, Kantham S, Acera MG, Mascia F, Scheibe K, Mahapatro M, et al. Journal article Attachment goes to court: child protection and custody issues (2021) Forslund T, Granqvist P, van IJzendoorn MH, Sagi-Schwartz A, Glaser D, Steele M, Hammarlund M, et al. Journal article GIS-based multicriteria evaluation for earthquake response: a case study of expert opinion in Vancouver, Canada (2020) Walker B, Schuurman N, Swanlund D, Clague JJ Journal article, Original article Development and validation of the gene-expression Predictor of high-grade-serous Ovarian carcinoma molecular subTYPE (PrOTYPE) (2020) Talhouk A, George J, Wang C, Budden T, Tan TZ, Chiu DS, Kommoss S, et al. Journal article