University of Peradeniya

University / College

Location: Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (LK) LK

ISNI: 0000000098168637


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Geochemical and isotope characterization of groundwater and assessment of surface water mixing in the coastal karst aquifer basin in northwestern Sri Lanka (2024) Bandara UGC, Diyabalanage S, Barth J, Chandrajith R Journal article Simultaneous Lightwave Information and Power Transfer in 6G Networks (2024) Papanikolaou V, Tegos SA, Palitharathna KW, Diamantoulakis PD, Suraweera HA, Khalighi MA, Karagiannidis GK Journal article Screening of Micro-organic Compounds in Groundwater from Areas with Chronic Kidney Disease of Unclear Aetiology (CKDu) in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka (2024) Chandrajith R, Zwiener C, Daniel C, Amann KU, Nanayakkara N, Barth J Journal article Contributions to one health approach to solve geogenie health issues (2023) Chandrajith R, Barth J Authored book Geochemistry of fluoride in the environment and human health (2023) Chandrajith R, Dissanayake CB, Barth J Authored book Early Ultrastructural Changes in Biopsies From Patients With Symptomatic CKD of Uncertain Etiology (2023) Daniel C, Enghard P, Ratnatunga N, Wijetunge S, Wazil AW, Zwiener C, Barth J, et al. Journal article Recharging Mechanisms and Seawater Intrusion in Karst Aquifers in Northwest Sri Lanka, Based on Hydrogeochemistry and Water Isotopes (2023) Bandara UGC, Diyabalanage S, Barth J, Chandrajith R Journal article Geochemical Characteristics of Groundwater Consumed by Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease with Unknown Aetiology in the Crystalline Dry Zone Terrain of Sri Lanka (2023) Chandrajith R, Nanayakkara N, Zwiener C, Daniel C, Amann KU, Barth J Journal article Application of Water Quality Index as a vulnerability indicator to determine seawater intrusion in unconsolidated sedimentary aquifers in a tropical coastal region of Sri Lanka (2022) Chandrajith R, Bandara UGC, Diyabalanage S, Senaratne S, Barth J Journal article A preliminary analysis of renal infiltrating cells in acute tubular injury induced by water treated with high fluoride and high hardness in rat model (2021) Perera T, Ranasinghe S, Alles N, Daniel C, Waduge R Journal article
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