University of Ulster
University / College
Coleraine, Belfast, Jordanstown, Derry,
United Kingdom (GB)
ISNI: 0000000105519715
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Towards the integration and development of a cross-European research network and infrastructure: the DEterminants of DIet and Physical ACtivity (DEDIPAC) Knowledge Hub (2014)
Lakerveld J, Van Der Ploeg HP, Kroeze W, Ahrens W, Allais O, Andersen LF, Cardon G, et al.
Journal article
The pace of shifting climate in marine and terrestrial ecosystems (2011)
Burrows MT, Schoeman DS, Buckley LB, Moore P, Poloczanska ES, Brander KM, Brown C, et al.
Journal article
Sheet Metal 2003: proceedings of the 10th international conference (2003)
Singh U, Geiger M, Kals H, Shirvani B
Edited Volume
Sheet Metal 2001, Proceedings of the International Conference (2001)
Duflou JR, Geiger M, Kals H, Shirvani B, Singh U
Edited Volume
Sheet metal 2000: proceedings of the 8th international conference (2000)
Shirvani B, Geiger M, Kals H, Singh U
Edited Volume
Sheet Metal 1999, Proceedings of the 7 th International Conference on Sheet Metal - SheMet'99 (1999)
Geiger M, Kals H, Shirvani B, Singh U
Edited Volume
Sheet metal 1998, Proceedings of the International Conference (1998)
Kals H, Geiger M, Shirvani B, Singh U
Edited Volume
Sheet Metal 1997, Proceedings of the International Conference (SheMet'97) (1997)
Singh U, Geiger M, Kals H, Shirvani B
Edited Volume
Sheet Metal 1996: proceedings of the 4th International conference (1996)
Kals H, Shirvani B, Singh U, Geiger M
Edited Volume