Sonderforschungsbereich 1483/1 Empathokinästhetische Sensorik – Sensortechniken und Datenanalyseverfahren zur empathokinästhetischen Modellbildung und Zustandsbestimmung (EmpkinS)


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Harnessing multimodal approaches for depression detection using large language models and facial expressions (2024) Sadeghi M, Richer R, Egger B, Schindler-Gmelch L, Rupp L, Rahimi F, Berking M, Eskofier B Journal article, Original article Facing depression: evaluating the efficacy of the EmpkinS-EKSpression reappraisal training augmented with facial expressions – protocol of a randomized controlled trial (2024) Keinert M, Schindler-Gmelch L, Rupp L, Sadeghi M, Capito K, Hager M, Rahimi F, et al. Journal article, other Contactless radar-based heart rate estimation in palliative care – a feasibility study and possible use in symptom management (2024) Grießhammer S, Malessa A, Lu H, Yip J, Leuschner J, Christgau F, Albrecht NC, et al. Journal article Near-Field Scattering Phenomena in Monostatic Radar Applications Derived From Physical Optics (2024) Tegowski B, Langer D, Wenzel M, Albrecht NC, Kölpin A Journal article Editorial: Human digital twins for medical and product engineering (2024) Miehling J, Choisne J, Koelewijn A Journal article A Radar-Based Concept for Simultaneous High-Resolution Imaging and Pixel-Wise Velocity Analysis for Tracking Human Motion (2024) Bräunig J, Heinrich S, Coppers B, Kammel C, Wirth V, Stamminger M, Leyendecker S, et al. Journal article Time-Synchronized Joint Communication and Precise Wireless Localization of Multiple On-Body Sensor Nodes for Human Gait and Movement Measurement (2024) Schlechtweg N, Brückner S, Gambietz M, Koelewijn A, Vossiek M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Multiresolution point cloud compression for real-time visualization and streaming of large 3D datasets (2024) Nguyen DT, Zieger D, Gambietz M, Koelewijn A, Stamminger M, Kaup A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Vector Approximate Message Passing for 3D MIMO Radar (2024) Eisele B, Bereyhi A, Müller R, Rangan S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Unobtrusive Gait Reconstructions using Radar-based Optimal Control Simulations (2024) Gambietz M, Dröge A, Schüßler C, Stahlke M, Wirth V, Miehling J, Koelewijn A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution