Professur für Multimodale Bildgebung in der präklinischen Forschung


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Multimodal Bone Metastasis-associated Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Imaging in an Orthotopic Rat Model. (2021) Bäuerle T, Gupta S, Zheng S, Seyler L, Leporati A, Marosfoi M, Maschauer S, et al. Journal article Neutral sphingomyelinase mediates the co-morbidity trias of alcohol abuse, major depression and bone defects (2021) Kalinichenko L, Mühle C, Jia T, Anderheiden F, Datz M, Eberle AL, Eulenburg V, et al. Journal article The complement system drives local inflammatory tissue priming by metabolic reprogramming of synovial fibroblasts (2021) Friščić J, Böttcher M, Reinwald C, Bruns H, Wirth B, Popp S, Walker KI, et al. Journal article, Original article Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI for assessment of subchondral bone marrow vascularization in an experimental osteoarthritis model: a major step towards clinical translation? (2021) Bäuerle T, Roemer F Journal article 68Ga-FAPI-04 PET-CT for molecular assessment of fibroblast activation and risk evaluation in systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease: a single-centre, pilot study (2021) Bergmann C, Distler J, Treutlein C, Tascilar K, Müller A, Atzinger A, Matei AE, et al. Journal article Comprehensive phenotyping revealed transient startle response reduction and histopathological gadolinium localization to perineuronal nets after gadodiamide administration in rats (2020) Habermeyer J, Boyken J, Harrer J, Canneva F, Ratz V, Moceri S, Admard J, et al. Journal article Gadolinium-based contrast agents: What we learned from acute adverse events, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and brain retention (2020) Bäuerle T, Saake M, Uder M Journal article, Review article A new method for quantitative assessment of hand muscle volume and fat in magnetic resonance images (2020) Friedberger A, Figueiredo C, Bäuerle T, Schett G, Engelke K Journal article Local Vascularization during Orthodontic Tooth Movement in a Split Mouth Rat Model - A MRI Study (2020) Proff P, Schroeder A, Seyler L, Wolf F, Korkmaz Y, Bäuerle T, Gölz L, Kirschneck C Journal article Serelaxin activates eNOS, suppresses inflammation, attenuates developmental delay and improves cognitive functions of neonatal rats after germinal matrix hemorrhage (2020) Xu MM, Seyler L, Bäuerle T, Kalinichenko L, Müller CP, Huttner H, Schwab S, Manaenko A Journal article