Lehrstuhl für Multimediakommunikation und Signalverarbeitung (LMS)


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Multi-shelf graphic equalizer (2025) Schlecht S, Sinjanakhom T, Välimäki V Journal article Analysis of spatial filtering in neural spatiospectral filters and its dependence on training target characteristics (2024) Briegleb A, Kellermann W Journal article, Original article Testing Auditory Illusions in Augmented Reality: Plausibility, Transfer-Plausibility, and Authenticity (2024) Meyer-Kahlen N, Schlecht S, Garí SA, Lokki T Journal article High-resolution hyperspectral video imaging using a hexagonal camera array (2024) Sippel F, Seiler J, Kaup A Journal article Compression of Preprocessed Automotive Radar Data by Using Context-Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (2024) Rückert R, Li Y, Herglotz C, Sura O, Kaup A, Vossiek M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Cross-Modal Pre-Aligned Method with Global and Local Information for Remote-Sensing Image and Text Retrieval (2024) Sun Z, Zhao M, Liu G, Kaup A Journal article Approximate Partially Decentralized Linear EZF Precoding for Massive MU-MIMO Systems (2024) Kaziu B, Shanin N, Spano D, Wang L, Gerstacker W, Schober R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Exploring sauna impulse responses (2024) Prawda K, Meyer-Kahlen N, Schlecht S Conference contribution A Multi-Room Transition Dataset for Blind Estimation of Energy Decay (2024) Götz P, Gotz G, Meyer-Kahlen N, Lee KY, Prawda K, Habets E, Schlecht S Conference contribution Multiresolution point cloud compression for real-time visualization and streaming of large 3D datasets (2024) Nguyen DT, Zieger D, Gambietz M, Koelewijn A, Stamminger M, Kaup A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution