Lehrstuhl für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




A Multisensory Deficit in the Perception of Pleasantness in Parkinson's Disease (2021) Utz K, Martini M, Mrochen A, Lambrecht V, Süß P, Renner B, Freiherr J, et al. Journal article Neutral sphingomyelinase mediates the co-morbidity trias of alcohol abuse, major depression and bone defects (2021) Kalinichenko L, Mühle C, Jia T, Anderheiden F, Datz M, Eberle AL, Eulenburg V, et al. Journal article Retronasal olfactory testing in early diagnosed and suspected COVID-19 patients: a 7-week follow-up study (2021) Prem B, Liu DT, Besser G, Renner B, Mueller CA Journal article A Concept for the Reduction of Mucosal SARS-CoV-2 Load using Hypochloric Acid Solutions (2021) Mueller CA, Winter M, Renner B Journal article Medication safety in intravenous therapy: A compatibility study of clonidine with drugs frequently used in intensive care (2021) Koller AK, Krebs S, Dörje F Journal article Assessment of odor hedonic perception: the Sniffin’ sticks parosmia test (SSParoT) (2020) Liu DT, Welge-Lüssen A, Besser G, Mueller CA, Renner B Journal article Odor Mixtures in Identification Testing Using Sniffin’ Sticks: The SSomix Test (2020) Liu DT, Besser G, Lang M, Sharma G, Pablik E, Renner B, Mueller CA Journal article Radiological Markers of the Olfactory Cleft: Relations to Unilateral Orthonasal and Retronasal Olfactory Function (2020) Liu DT, Schwarz-Nemec U, Renner B, Mueller CA, Besser G Journal article Brain fMRI Predicts Responses to Certolizumab Pegol in RA. an International, Multi-center, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebocontrolled Trial (PreCePRA) (2020) Rech J, Schenker H, Tascilar K, Hagen M, Kleyer A, Simon D, Mendez LV, et al. Conference contribution The hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated 4 channel as a potential anti-seizure drug target (2020) Kharouf Q, Phillips AM, Bleakley LE, Morrisroe E, Oyrer J, Jia L, Ludwig A, et al. Journal article