Lehrstuhl für Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Fireflies: Photorealistic Simulation and Optimization of Structured Light Endoscopy (2025) Henningson JO, Veltrup R, Semmler M, Döllinger M, Stamminger M Conference contribution Machine Learning-Based Estimation of Hoarseness Severity Using Acoustic Signals Recorded During High-Speed Videoendoscopy (2025) Schraut T, Döllinger M, Kunduk M, Echternach M, Dürr S, Werz J, Schützenberger A Journal article Correction to: Illness perceptions in cochlear implant users – a longitudinal study (European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, (2024), 10.1007/s00405-024-08963-9) (2025) Lehmann E, Heinze-Köhler K, Glaubitz C, Liebscher T, Engler M, Hoppe U Journal article, Erratum Biomechanics of sound production in high-pitched classical singing (2024) Echternach M, Burk F, Köberlein M, Döllinger M, Burdumy M, Richter B, Titze IR, et al. Journal article Effects of Instructed Laryngeal Manipulation on Vocal Rise Time (2024) Bi M, Nguyen DD, Arias Vergara T, Döllinger M, Holik J, Madill C Journal article Rare manifestation of non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the head & neck following cochlear implant surgery (2024) Gehrking M, Miksch M, Agaimy A, Iro H, Sievert M Journal article Aerodynamic and rheological impact on aerosol generation in a synthetic larynx model (2024) Tur B, Wendler O, Berry DA, Kniesburges S Journal article Tinnitus is associated with increased extracellular matrix density in the auditory cortex of Mongolian gerbils (2024) Tziridis K, Maul A, Rasheed J, Krauß P, Schilling A, Schulze H Journal article 3D reconstruction of vocal fold dynamics with laser high-speed videoendoscopy in children (2024) Patel RR, Döllinger M, Semmler M Journal article Three-Dimensional Analysis of Vocal Fold Oscillations: Correlating Superior and Medial Surface Dynamics Using Ex Vivo Human Hemilarynges (2024) Veltrup R, Angerer S, Geßner E, Matheis F, Sümmerer E, Henningson JO, Döllinger M, Semmler M Journal article