Institute of General Practice


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Vitamin-K-antagonist phenprocoumon versus low-dose direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) in patients with atrial fibrillation: a real-world analysis of German claims data (2022) Warkentin L, Hueber S, Deiters B, Klohn F, Kühlein T Journal article The importance of the learning environment and reduction of burnout in clinical training: an analysis of the Competence Centre for Residency Training in Family Medicine Bavaria (CCRTB) (2022) Olm M, Roos M, Hapfelmeier A, Schneider D, Gensichen J, Berberat PO, Schneider A Journal article „In erster Linie Arzt“ Erfahrungen hausärztlicher PJ-Lehrärzt:innen mit Medizindidaktik-Trainings (2022) Hecht L, Roos M, Sebastiao M Journal article QUERAN – Lateral Entry into Family Medicine An Online Survey in Lower Saxony QUERAN – Quereinstieg in die Allgemeinmedizin Eine Online-Befragung in Niedersachsen (2022) Syrieyx O, Stiel S, Afshar K, Schneider N, Engel B Journal article One year of general practice during the COVID-19 pandemic - presentation and evaluation of digital medical education (2022) van der Keylen P, Zeschick N, Langer A, Kühlein T, Roos M Journal article The "Seminartage Weiterbildung Allgemeinmedizin" (SemiWAM (R)) - development, implementation and evaluation of a five-year, competence-based postgraduate programme in Bavaria (2022) Roos M, Schneider A, Gensichen J, Simmenroth A, Kühlein T, Schneider D Journal article Breaking Entry-and Species Barriers: LentiBOOST® Plus Polybrene Enhances Transduction Efficacy of Dendritic Cells and Monocytes by Adenovirus 5 (2022) Strack A, Deinzer A, Thirion C, Schrödel S, Dörrie J, Sauerer T, Steinkasserer A, Knippertz I Journal article Short and medium-term cost effects of non-indicated thyroid diagnostics: Empirical evidence from German claims data (2022) Hafner L, Biermann V, Donnachie E, Hueber S, Kühlein T, Tauchmann H, Tomandl J Journal article, Original article Strukturiertes Einzelmentoring im Rahmen der Weiterbildung Allgemeinmedizin in Bayern — eine multizentrische Evaluation (2022) Rösgen D, Schlüssel S, Greser A, Roos M, Simmenroth A, Kühlein T, Fischer M, et al. Journal article Baby Boom, Pill Break and our big Problem: demographic Change Can we still afford to be Side by Side and against each other? (2021) Kühlein T, Blumenthal S Journal article, Editorial