Institute of General Practice


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Telemedizin, Herzinsuffizienz und der ewige Glaube an die Technik: Eine konstruktive hausärztliche Analyse und Kritik ihrer Einführung in Deutschland (2023) Kühlein T, Roos M, Beier M, Eggenwirth P, Engel B, Scherer M Journal article Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Medizinstudium – Erprobung eines Lehrkonzepts in Lehrpraxen (2023) Bleckwenn M, Legutke R, Gehres V, Weckbecker K, Engel B Journal article The Acceptance, Usability, and Utility of a Web Portal for Back Pain as Recommended by Primary Care Physicians: Qualitative Interview Study With Patients (2022) Schlett C, Roettele N, van der Keylen P, Schoepf-Lazzarino AC, Klimmek M, Koerner M, Schnitzius K, et al. Journal article Effectiveness of an online education program for asthma patients in general practice: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial (2022) Eck S, Hapfelmeier A, Linde K, Schultz K, Gensichen J, Sanftenberg L, Kühlein T, et al. Journal article Active monitoring of adverse reactions following COVID-19 and other vaccinations: a feasibility study as part of the CoVaKo project (2022) Zeschick N, Warkentin L, Kühlein T, Steininger P, Überla K, Hueber S, Sebastiao M Journal article Shared decision-making in the realm of uncertainty: The example of coronary artery disease through an EBM and complexity science lens (2022) Sturmberg JP, Kissling B, Kühlein T Journal article Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Led to Changes in the Tasks of the Primary Care Workforce? An International Survey among General Practices in 38 Countries (PRICOV-19) (2022) Groenewegen P, Van Poel E, Spreeuwenberg P, Batenburg R, Mallen C, Murauskiene L, Peris A, et al. Journal article Treatment thresholds and minimal clinically important effect sizes of antiosteoporotic medication–Survey among physicians and lay persons in Germany (2022) van der Keylen P, Zeschick N, Schlenz A, Kühlein T Journal article Prescribing behavior of Bavarian general practitioners at the inpatient-outpatient interface within the context of the Bavarian active substance agreement-qualitative results of the WirtMed Study (2022) Zeschick N, Gollnick J, Muth J, Hoerbrand F, Killian P, Krombholz W, Donner-Banzhoff N, et al. Journal article Reactogenicity after heterologous and homologous COVID-19 prime-boost vaccination regimens: descriptive interim results of a comparative observational cohort study (2022) Warkentin L, Zeschick N, Kühlein T, Steininger P, Überla K, Kaiser I, Gall C, et al. Journal article