Institute of General Practice


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Expectations of general practitioners on a practice based research network in Germany- a qualitative study within the Bavarian Research Practice Network (BayFoNet) (2024) Sanftenberg L, Stofella J, Mayr K, Nassehi A, Härdtlein A, Stark S, Kühlein T, et al. Journal article Dipsticks and point-of-care Microscopy to reduce antibiotic use in women with an uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection (MicUTI): protocol of a randomised controlled pilot trial in primary care (2024) Kurotschka PK, Borgulya G, Bucher E, Endrich I, Figueiras A, Gensichen J, Hay AD, et al. Journal article What do people know and think about medical overuse? an online questionnaire study in Germany (2024) Nürnberger C, Kühlein T, Hueber S Journal article Associations of Mental Health Issues with Health Literacy and Vaccination Readiness against COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Facilities—A Cross-Sectional Analysis (2024) Sanftenberg L, Gschwendner M, Grass A, Rottenkolber M, Zöllinger I, Sebastiao M, Kühlein T, et al. Journal article „…nicht mal auf den Gang!“ – Das subjektive Empfinden institutioneller Maßnahmen während der Covid-19 Pandemie von Pflegeheimbewohnern. Eine qualitative Studie. (2024) Sanftenberg L, Hoerger A, Mayr K, Nassehi A, Wildgruber D, Hausen A, Janke C, et al. Journal article Physicians’ assessment of the Bavarian drug-expenditure control system: a qualitative study (2023) Zeschick N, Gollnick J, Muth J, Hörbrand F, Killian P, Donner-Banzhoff N, Kühlein T, Sebastiao M Journal article Addressing health inequity during the COVID-19 pandemic through primary health care and public health collaboration: a multiple case study analysis in eight high-income countries (2023) Vanden Bossche D, Zhao QJ, Ares-Blanco S, Peña MPA, Decat P, Kondo N, Kroneman M, et al. Journal article Agitation and aggression in people living with dementia and mild cognitive impairment in shared-housing arrangements – validation of a German version of the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory-Short Form (CMAI-SF) (2023) Kratzer A, Scheel-Barteit J, Altona J, Wolf-Ostermann K, Grässel E, Donath C Journal article Mehr Rechtssicherheit in der Hausarztpraxis gewinnen (2023) Engel B Journal article Betreuungsrecht - Status quo nach der Gesetzesänderung 2023 (2023) Werner F, Unger C Journal article