Professur für Fluidsystemtechnik


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Fiber Bragg Grating Temperature Sensing in Fuel Cells (2024) Renner E, Römpke SM, Mull S, Braun K, Weiß L, Wensing M, Schmauß B Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Quantification of cavitating flows with neutron imaging (2024) Karathanassis IK, Heidari-Koochi M, Koukouvinis F, Weiß L, Trtik P, Spivey D, Wensing M, Gavaises M Journal article High-load operating characteristics of planar membrane humidifiers of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell systems for heavy-duty applications (2024) Mull S, Weiß L, Wensing M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Enhancing Heat Transfer in Immersion Cooling of Battery Packs - Using ALTP Heat Flux Sensors (2024) Weiß L, Karathanassis IK, Rüppel B, Smith T, Wensing M Conference contribution Comparison of Different Injector Nozzles for the Utilization of Polyoxymethylene Dimethyl Ethers (2024) Rieß S, Fuchs T, Strauß L, Günthner M, Wensing M Journal article, Report Advancing Fuel Cell Testing Environments: Overcoming Limitations in Conventional Humidification Methods (2024) Braun K, Lützenkirchen J, Weiß L, Wensing M Journal article, Report Indirect detector for ultra-high-speed X-ray micro-imaging with increased sensitivity to near-ultraviolet scintillator emission (2024) Lukić B, Rack A, Helfen L, Foster DJ, Ershov A, Welß R, François S, Rochet X Journal article Long-Term Continuous Gas Diagnostics For Fuel Cell Systems: Development Of An Automatized Raman Metrology (2024) Rüppel B, Lehnert B, Weiß L, Wensing M Conference contribution Experimental and simulative analysis of the dependence between liquid water amount and mass transfer in a planar membrane humidifier (2024) Mull S, Weiß L, Wensing M Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Numerical study of novel OME1−6 combustion mechanism and spray combustion at changed ambient environments (2024) Wiesmann F, Han D, Qiu Z, Strauß L, Rieß S, Wensing M, Lauer T Journal article