Lehrstuhl für Endogene Geodynamik (LEG)


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Slab steepening and rapid mantle wedge replacement during back-arc rifting in the New Hebrides (2024) Haase K, Regelous M, Beier C, Koppers AA Journal article On the Age-Old Problem of Dating a Granite: Combined Zircon, Apatite, and Titanite Petrochronology in an I-Type Granite from Mt Stirling, Australia (2024) Hoseong LI, Nebel O, Jacobsen Y, Park J, Myeong B, Raveggi M, Barrote VR, et al. Journal article Quartz texture and the chemical composition fingerprint of ore-forming fluid evolution at the Bilihe porphyry Au deposit, NE China (2024) Hong J, Zhai D, Keith M Journal article Arsenic-poor fluids promote strong As partitioning into pyrite (2024) Kutzschbach M, Dunkel F, Kusebauch C, Schiperski F, Börner F, Drake H, Klimm K, Keith M Journal article Magnetic response contrast of Oligo-Miocene basaltic magmatism and structural control during its ascent at the northern tip of the Red Sea Rift (2024) Maged A, Said SM, Shallaly NA, Haase K, Elhussein M Journal article Pyrite trace element proxies for magmatic volatile influx in submarine subduction-related hydrothermal systems (2024) Falkenberg J, Keith M, Haase K, Klemd R, Kutzschbach M, Grosche A, Scicchitano MR, et al. Journal article Temperature-controlled Se-S isotope fractionation during seawater mixing and sulfide precipitation in black smoker chimneys (2024) Grosche A, Keith M, Klemd R, Strauss H, Rosca C, König S Journal article Source variations in volatile contents of Bransfield Strait back-arc and Phoenix/West Scotia mid-ocean ridge lavas, northern Antarctic Peninsula (2024) Anderson DW, Saal AE, Mallick S, Wang J, Riley TR, Keller RA, Haase K Journal article Magmatic Evolution of the Fossil Melanesian Island Arc: Evidence From Lower Miocene Lavas of Malekula Island (Vanuatu) (2024) Haase K, Schneider KP, Pelletier B, Ishizuka O Journal article, Original article Magmatic evolution of the Schiel Alkaline Complex, Bushveld large igneous province, South Africa (2024) Höß A, Klemd R, Bolhar R, Haase K, Ramos J, Geiger E, Brandt S, Graupner T Journal article